

修理工房のアプリ! [お知らせ,新サービスのお知らせ]:iPhone修理工房 横浜戸塚モディ店

Hello guys !!


This is iPhone Repair Factory , totsuka MODI Store. 

Today we have a good news for you!!! . Our company created a app that you can download in IOS and android . 

You have to register only the first time  and then you can receive many points , for example if it is the fisrt time you use the app you can receive 100 points . Also when you fix your phone with us you can receive more points and you can use this points to pay for your repair  or use one of our coupon to get a discount . Another feature is that you can check your warranty until when it is available , and can ask us about it . 

If you have any question you can call us or come to our store . We are in Totsuka MODI 2nd floor.


tel: 045-330-2695

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iPhone修理工房 横浜戸塚モディ店


10:30~20:00 定休日:戸塚モディに準ずる

〒244-0003 神奈川県横浜市戸塚区戸塚町10 戸塚モディ2FJR横須賀線・JR東海道線・JR湘南新宿ライン戸塚駅徒歩1分・横浜ブルーライン戸塚駅徒歩1分
  1. 業界最長クラス! 長年の修理実績
  2. 修理台数累計1,000,000台**iPhone・iPad修理実績
  • 修理後 3ヶ月保証
  • 最短即日修理可能!
  • 修理後データそのまま
