iPhone 7 battery replacementiPhone修理工房


iPhone Repair Factory Shibuya Modi

Today I am going to explain how to change iPhone 7 batteries. iPhone7 was released on September 7, 2016.iPhone battery draine includes different factors, such as the number of charge cycles and how it was cared for. Follow these tips to maximize battery performance and help extend battery lifespan. For example, keep iPhone half-charged when it’s stored for the long term. Also avoid charging or leaving iPhone in hot environments, including direct sun exposure, for extended periods of time.

Generally iPhone batteries rated to hold 80%of theirs capacity iPhone lose theirs 20% capacity up to 500 charge cycle which is approximately 18-24months for most of users. when your iPhone battery is degraded bellow 80% it may cause to slow run in that condition replace your battery and use yolur iPhone to full performance. 


We have a more than 160 repairing center arround the all over the country so no matter were you are we were in there. You can easily get our shop in your city. Now we are providing all type of iPhone repairing service such as display broken,battery change,water damage,camera replacement,home button replacement,software update and many more.

firstly Power off iPhone before beginning battery replacement. 

open the iPhone slowly by using opener and plactic pick while opening always be careful otherwise screen and logicboard will may damage easily.

iPhone running normally after replacing the battery.

Our Services

  • iPhone LCD / touch screen replacement
  • iPhone Retina display replacement
  • iPhone charging port replacement
  • iPhone camera replacement
  • iPhone back panel repair and replacement
  • iPhone power button repair and replacement
  • iPhone home button repair and replacement
  • iPhone iOS support
  • iPhone charging dock repair and replacement
  • iPhone speaker / microphone repair and replacement
  • iPhone battery replacement
  • iPhone headphone jack repair and replacement
  • iPhone vibrator repair and replacement
  • iPhone glass protector replacement
for more details please contact us


所在施設: 渋谷モディ
所在地: 〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1丁目21-3 渋谷モディ 4F
電話: 050-5228-5003


iPhone Repairing Factory

Shibuya modi building


Tokyo,Shibuya city,1chome-21-3 Jinnan,

Shibuya modi building 4F



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