Find the Perfect Communication Tool at "Smartphone Repair Workshop Shibuya Store" - Nippon SIM! Welcome to Japan! [お知らせ,メディア掲載情報,新サービスのお知らせ]:iPhone修理工房 渋谷店
Find the Perfect Communication Tool at "Smartphone Repair Workshop Shibuya Store" - Nippon
Dear visitors from abroad, welcome to Japan! To make your stay as comfortable and smooth as possible, "Smartphone Repair Workshop Shibuya Store" introduces the perfect communication solution for tourists in Japan—'Nippon SIM'.
Benefits of Prepaid SIM and eSIM
During your long stays for sightseeing or business in Japan, a stable internet connection is crucial. While free Wi-Fi is an option, for privacy protection and connection stability, prepaid SIM cards and eSIMs are recommended. 'Nippon SIM' offers both convenience and cost-effectiveness, ensuring you can connect to the internet securely anywhere.
Product Introduction: Nippon SIM
'Nippon SIM' provides various plans suitable for short to long-term stays, tailored to meet your data needs and usage duration. All SIM cards are ready to use immediately and are priced reasonably.
How to Purchase and Use
'Nippon SIM' is available not only at "Smartphone Repair Workshop Shibuya Store" but also at "Smartphone Repair Workshop Shinjuku PEPE Store" and "iPhone Repair Workshop Ikebukuro Main Store". You can check how to access these stores on our official website. Purchases can be made in-store, where our staff will assist with SIM card setup and activation.
Special Offers and Promotions
For a limited time, 'Nippon SIM' is available at a special price. Additionally, when purchasing a SIM card, our store also offers information on recommended spots in Shibuya and useful apps.
- Q1: What is an eSIM?
- A1: An eSIM is a digital SIM that does not require a physical card, and it can be easily set up on compatible devices.
- Q2: Is there support available after purchase?
- A2: Yes, we provide comprehensive support for any issues post-purchase. If any problems arise, please contact our support center.
We encourage all visitors to Japan to use 'Nippon SIM' to fully enjoy your stay in Japan. At "Smartphone Repair Workshop Shibuya Store," we are here to support your adventure in Japan. Please drop by our store!
Store Information & Contact
Smartphone Repair Workshop Shibuya Store
Address: 1-23-10 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0041, MAGNET by SHIBUYA109 1F
Phone Number: 03-6416-1662
Access: 1 minute walk from Hachiko Exit of Shibuya Station
Business Hours: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM, follows the hours of MAGNET by SHIBUYA109
iPhone修理工房 渋谷店
03-6416-166210:00-21:00 MAGNET by SHIBUYA109に準ずる
〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1-23-10 MAGNET by SHIBUYA109 1F渋谷駅ハチ公口より徒歩1分(JR山手線・JR湘南新宿ライン・JR埼京線・東急東横線・東急田園都市線・京王井の頭線・東京メトロ銀座線・東京メトロ半蔵門線・東京メトロ副都心線)- 業界最長クラス! 長年の修理実績
- 修理台数累計1,000,000台**iPhone・iPad修理実績
- 修理後 3ヶ月保証
- 最短即日修理可能!
- 修理後データそのまま
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