WATERPROOF , MYTH or REALITY?!2019-04-09 [投稿店舗]:iPhone修理工房 横浜戸塚モディ店
Good afternoon everybody !
I think you have listen about waterproof phones, but can it really be sumerged in water without any problem???
The answer is NOT . The phone (depends on the brand) are resistant to splashes but if you sumerged your phone in water and it get damaged for the exposure to water ,in the case of apple devices the warranty will not cover issues caused by water , so be carefull
if you are thinking to use your phone in the pool or when is raining a lot .
A continuation a will show you a picture that in the left is an iphone 7 , and in the right a SE . The iphone 7 is rated as IP67 , but see what happen when it is sumerged in water.
The first thing you should do when your phone is sumerged in water is turn off your phone immediately , or if you can not do it , come fast to our store or any store where can do a treatment for phone sumerged in water.
We are inside Totsuka MODI everyday , 2nd Floor.
iPhone修理工房 横浜戸塚モディ店
- 業界最長クラス! 長年の修理実績
- 修理台数累計1,000,000台**iPhone・iPad修理実績
- 修理後 3ヶ月保証
- 最短即日修理可能!
- 修理後データそのまま