iPhone repair in Japan? Answer is iPhone repair factory! 【Shinjuku higashi】iPhone修理工房
iPhone repair in Japan? Answer is iPhone repair factory! 【Shinjuku higashi】2018-06-26 [投稿店舗]:iPhone修理工房 新宿PePe店
Dear costomers.
We are iPhene repair factory Shinjuku higashi store !!(iPhone修理工房 新宿東口店)
Welcome to japan!!
Are you in trouble in iPhone?
We repairing iPhone!
Three good things!
1 Inexpensive(low prices)
2 Early(Faster than other stores)
3 Exctrly
Service (prices and Time required)
・Damaged LCD ...60min~
prices: 4500yen~13800yen
Example,,, iPhone 6- 4990yen iPhone7- 7980yen
・Battery Problems...30min~
prices: 3780yen~10800yen
Example,,, iPhone6- 3680yen iPhone7- 4500yen
・Button Malfunction 60min~ 3780yen~12800yen
・Connection Failure 60min~ 3780yen~12800yen
・Microphone /Speaker Problems 60min~ 3780yen~12800yen
・Connection Failure 60min~ 3780yen~12800yen
・Antenna Troubles 60min~ 3780yen~12800yen
※It’s done without a tax both.
Repair time changes with crowded circumstances.
If you iPhone trouble in Japan,You should come to the iPhone repair factory!
We are waiting for yours!
iPhone Repair factory Shinjuku higashi
Place:Advance building 5F 3-28-1Shinjuku Shijaku-ku Tokyo
Business hours :11:00~20:00
Business days :Open throughout the year.
Phone number :03-6273-2121
Access:JR Shinjuku sta. East entrance Approximately 2minutes on foot.
iPhone修理工房 新宿PePe店
03-6273-895011:00~21:30 定休日や営業時間等、西武新宿PePeに準ずる。 年末年始【12月31日:11時~19時 1月1日:休館 1月2,3日 11時~20時】
〒160-0021 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町1丁目30-1西武新宿PePe4FJR新宿駅東口より徒歩5分(山手線・埼京線・湘南新宿ライン・中央線・総武線・京王線・小田急線)、西武線新宿駅直結- 業界最長クラス! 長年の修理実績
- 修理台数累計1,000,000台**iPhone・iPad修理実績
- 修理後 3ヶ月保証
- 最短即日修理可能!
- 修理後データそのまま