iPhone 13 Pro Charging Function Damage Repair within an hour in smartphone repair factory MAGNET by SHIBUYA109 1FiPhone修理工房
iPhone 13 Pro Charging Function Damage Repair within an hour in smartphone repair factory MAGNET by SHIBUYA109 1F2024-05-22 [投稿店舗]:iPhone修理工房 渋谷店
[タグ]:iPhone修理コラム,修理日記,充電コネクタ修理 apple, iPhone 13 Pro charging port replacenent at shibuya, iPhone修理, アイフォン修理, アップル, イヤホン, スマホ, ドックコネクター, 充電コネクター修理, 充電できない, 反応しない, 安い, 携帯修理
We repair immediately any type of iPhone within an hour in smartphone repair factory MAGNET by SHIBUYA109 1F
Just 1 minute walking distance from Shibuya station Hachiko exit gate in front of shibuya scramble MAGNET by SHIBUYA109 1F(Smartphone repair factory)
We repair Androids smartphone/tablet、iPhone/iPad/iPod/AppleWatch and many more!
Don't Worry about your data!
Hey everyone!
Welcome back to another installment of our smartphone repair blog here at the Smartphone Repair Factory in Shibuya.
Today, we've got an another story to share about an iPhone 13 Pro that came to us with a frustrating issue. The customer explained that their iPhone 13 Pro wasn’t charging properly. Sometimes it would charge from one side of the cable, but most of the time, it wouldn’t charge at all. After asking a few questions, we discovered that the charging port might have been damaged by water particles, leading to a short circuit and charging problems.
We conducted a thorough inspection and confirmed that the charging port had indeed suffered water damage, causing the erratic charging behavior. But don't worry! Here at the Smartphone Repair Factory in Shibuya, we fix all kinds of smartphone issues, including charging problems on iPhones.
Carefully, we removed the damaged charging port and replaced it with a brand-new one. After the repair, we tested the iPhone 13 Pro to ensure it was charging properly from both sides of the cable. And guess what? It worked perfectly! The phone charged efficiently, and no longer had to struggle with inconsistent charging.
We reached out to the customer to share the good news. Now, their iPhone 13 Pro is back in action, ready for all their daily tasks and adventures.
If you have any iPhone problems, we repair your phone. Thanks for tuning in, and we'll catch you next time for more repair tales!
Model: iPhone 13 pro
Repair Details: [charging port replacement]
Repair Time: [60-90 minute]
Warranty Period: [3 Months]
Price: 14,500¥(including tax)
In addition to screen replacement and battery replacement we also offer services for camera replacement if it stops working, charging connectors if they no longer charge, and water damage restoration!
*Stock availability may vary. Please inquire before visiting.
*Depending on the situation, we may require items to be left for repair.
*Warranty applies only to defective parts.
Recommended at Smartphone Repair factory! Antimicrobial & Antivirus × Impact-resistant Glass Coating!
At Smartphone Repair factory, we recommend glass coating! The process takes only around10 minutes!
Expect high antimicrobial and antivirus effects, with a hardness of over 9H to protect your precious smartphone or tablet from dirt and strong impacts.
Single-sided: ¥3,300 (tax included) / Double-sided: ¥5,500 (tax included)
If you have any further issues in the future, please contact us for assistance.
〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1-23-10 MAGNET by SHIBUYA109 1F
Just 1 minute walking distance from Shibuya station Hachiko exit gate
営業時間(opening hours):10:00-21:00 MAGNET by SHIBUYA109に準ずる
for online reservation
[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d12966.814937755802!2d139.7009461!3d35.6596703!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f5!3m3!1m2!1s0x60188ca8647236bb%3A0xe10745db51de7c78!2z44K544Oe44Ob5L-u55CG5bel5oi_IOa4i-iwt-W6lw!5e0!3m2!1sja!2sjp!4v1669019251996!5m2!1sja!2sjp&w=400&h=300]
エリア:渋谷 代々木 原宿 恵比寿 目黒 表参道 外苑前 明治神宮
北参道 神泉 駒場東大前 代官山 中目黒 池尻大橋 三軒茶屋
iPhone修理工房 渋谷店
03-6416-166210:00-21:00 MAGNET by SHIBUYA109に準ずる
〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1-23-10 MAGNET by SHIBUYA109 1F渋谷駅ハチ公口より徒歩1分(JR山手線・JR湘南新宿ライン・JR埼京線・東急東横線・東急田園都市線・京王井の頭線・東京メトロ銀座線・東京メトロ半蔵門線・東京メトロ副都心線)- 業界最長クラス! 長年の修理実績
- 修理台数累計1,000,000台**iPhone・iPad修理実績
- 修理後 3ヶ月保証
- 最短即日修理可能!
- 修理後データそのまま