

"GOLDEN WEEK" Discount!!! [お知らせ,重要なお知らせ]:iPhone修理工房 横浜戸塚モディ店

Hello everybody !!!


This is iPhone Repair Factory , Totsuka MODI Store. 

This time, i want to notice you that for "the golden week" we will reduce in 1000\ our prices for change the battery of your iPhone, so if you need to change your battery for a little price and with warranty come with us ,all our batteries has PSE mark , so you don`t have to worry about it. And our batteries has higher capacity than original , it means your new battery will has a longer life.

Also we have many discounts not only for battery replace , these discounts can to apply to any repair like broken screen , or broken charging port or glass film , etc .

Of course if you only want to ask about repair, you can ask us for free . So feel free to come to our store anytime.


Totsuka MODI Store 2nd floor



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iPhone修理工房 横浜戸塚モディ店


10:30~20:00 定休日:戸塚モディに準ずる

〒244-0003 神奈川県横浜市戸塚区戸塚町10 戸塚モディ2FJR横須賀線・JR東海道線・JR湘南新宿ライン戸塚駅徒歩1分・横浜ブルーライン戸塚駅徒歩1分
  1. 業界最長クラス! 長年の修理実績
  2. 修理台数累計1,000,000台**iPhone・iPad修理実績
  • 修理後 3ヶ月保証
  • 最短即日修理可能!
  • 修理後データそのまま
