

Do You Know 「Omamori」and 「Omamori+」? [お知らせ]:iPhone修理工房 横浜戸塚モディ店

Good morning!


This time i will talk you about a warranty that we have to care your phone screen. According to the phone model  the price to repair a damaged screen is different ,  for example it vary if you choose a foreign screen or national screen. So , basically if you broke your screen you have to pay for a new one , BUT do you know that you can have a new screen for 0 \? YES, you can!!!


・You can repair your broken screen until 50000\ in one year .For example iphone 6 (4780~)+tax , you could change your screen for about 9 times in a year (it depends the screen) .

・You can use this warranty to change your battery for the half of the price , and 3000\ of discount in logic board/ data service restoration .

・ Also you can obtain 10% OFF in any products that we sell in our store.


・You can repair your broken screen until 100000\ in one year . For example iphone 7(7780~)+tax, you coukd change your screen for about 11 times in a year (it depends the screen).

・You can use this warranty to change your battery for the half of the price , and 3000\ of discount in logic board / data service restoration.

・ Also you can obtain 10% OFF in any products that we sell in our store.


・The fee for enter in the warranty is free.

・You only can register 1 terminal, and it has to be an iphone. Other brand can not register in this warranty.

・Only after 2 months that you enter in the warranty any change can be applied.

・Privilege of use only after 1 month of enter in the warranty.

・Only broken screen can apply in this warranty.

・This warranty only accepts credit card payments.

So, if you have any doubt or need a meticulous explanation ,please feel free to contact us.


iPhone repair Factory Totsuka MODI store.

224-0003 Kanagawa Ken Yokohama Shi Totsuka Ku Totsuka Cho 10 Totsuka MODI 2nd store

TEL 045-330-2695


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iPhone修理工房 横浜戸塚モディ店


10:30~20:00 定休日:戸塚モディに準ずる

〒244-0003 神奈川県横浜市戸塚区戸塚町10 戸塚モディ2FJR横須賀線・JR東海道線・JR湘南新宿ライン戸塚駅徒歩1分・横浜ブルーライン戸塚駅徒歩1分
  1. 業界最長クラス! 長年の修理実績
  2. 修理台数累計1,000,000台**iPhone・iPad修理実績
  • 修理後 3ヶ月保証
  • 最短即日修理可能!
  • 修理後データそのまま
