CHANGING THE EXTERIOR of YOUR PHONE2019-03-28 [投稿店舗]:iPhone修理工房 横浜戸塚モディ店
Good afternoon .
This is Smartphone Repair Factory Marui City Yokohama Store .
Some times your phone stop working because it droppedi in the ground or because degradation over time ,so in this cases if you change the defective part you should be able to use your phone again (if the damage is not in the logic board) , but sometimes when your phone is not a famous model , it is a little difficult to find any parts. Also in this cases we can repair your phone . Only we need is an identical phone (wich is working well) and we will transfer the logic board from the damaged phone to the working well phone . So , you should be able to access to all your data again .
If you have any question about why to find a same phone or about prices , feel free to ask us anything .
we are every day inside Marui City 6Floor 10:30-20:30
TEL: 045-534-7395
iPhone修理工房 横浜戸塚モディ店
- 業界最長クラス! 長年の修理実績
- 修理台数累計1,000,000台**iPhone・iPad修理実績
- 修理後 3ヶ月保証
- 最短即日修理可能!
- 修理後データそのまま